Real-Time Notification

to receive live push notifications

Receive real-time notification whenever the recipient reads your email. The email's subject, recipient's information, and time are all included in your notification.

Real-Time Notification

Get Real-Time Notification on Recipient Email Actions

Receive real-time notification when your emails are read or recipients click links in your emails messages.

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real-time messaging

Real-Time Messaging

Tag email recipients, keep track of the number of unread emails you have, and even track your time used per week on each inbox message.

analyze & optimize

Analyze & Optimize

Keep track of link clicks in your email marketing campaigns. OpenedOrNot identifies all user actions to help you take proactive steps to optimize your marketing campaigns.

push notification

Push Notification

Get push notifications for every new email that your users receive. It will help you track what is happening with your websites and marketing campaigns.

What is Real-Time Notification?

Real-Time Notification is an automated system that sends you an alert whenever your desired information changes. The current status and details of the changes are usually included in such signals, which are generally sent via email. A real-time alert is an automated system that sends you an alert whenever your desired information changes.Track unlimited email opens with the free email tracker extension. Learn more about what is email tracking.

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